

Consists of 4 to 6 persons) = $700/group (32 meeting x 2 hours)


Consists of 1 to 3 persons) = $300/person (32 meeting x 2 hours)

*(Group participants must be at the same level


  • 1 week (Monday-Friday) > 10 hrs = $85/person
  • 2 weeks (Moday-Friday) > 20 hrs = $155/person
  • 4 weeks (Monday- Friday) > 40 hrs = $280/person

Additional Course

  • Batik = $25/person
  • Pencak Silat= $25/person
  • Angklung = $25/person
  • Ceramic = $25/person

Registration Procedure

Transfer the course fee (bases on the above detail) to this following bank account:

BRI 1259-01-003417-53-1 UNISMA QQ P2BA BIPA.

Fill the registration form using this following link:

Registration link for BIPA Unisma

Confirm you registration to this contact number:

Prayitno Tri Laksono, S.Pd. M.Pd. (+62-852-3673-9171) or

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